Flatfile Gallery, Chicago, IL
September 7 – October 26 2007

“What I’m really interested in are the invisible things that hold everything together.” - Matthew Ritchie

“The surface of the body is like the surface of the sea. We will swim at the top but have a fear of wet, slimy unpredictable things underneath. But I think we can go one step further. The otherness of our insides and distance from our daily skin in some ways alludes to other parts of us which are in our control and parts we hope will remain, at best, on track.” - William Kentridge


“Catalyst reflects the process of transition – objects in motion, imagery sub-merged just below the surface, the traces of an explosion. I am interested in examining how evidence is presented, how events are reconstructed. Glass is such an evocative medium, simultaneously delicate and harsh. That tension and vulnerability seem particularly appropriate for reflecting on the fragile and film-like quality of memory. Some of the works incorporate a semi-opaque surface which acts as skin or veil that momentarily intrudes into your reception of seeing the piece. By their reactive natures, printmaking and glass work are natural palimpsests; the development of the image remains in the final piece, making it a reflection of the process of sorting memory itself.”


Site-specific installation, mesh, rice paper wrappers

Site-specific installation, mesh, rice paper wrappers, mirrors

Catalyst, kilnformed glass, each 10” x 10”

Surveillance, silkscreen on mirrored glass, 14.25 x 142 x .125 inches installed

Scythes, lithograph, 11 x 30 inches



